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I’m delighted Boris is back!

(262 Posts)
Urmstongran Mon 27-Apr-20 10:18:34

We are wrestling a mugger to the ground and this is the dangerous part. Together, we can do it. Just hold tight for a little longer British people.

I’ve missed his enthusiasm, his optimism, his confidence and his ability to galvanise us for the common good.

He is arranging cross party talks to bring us all together.

Welcome back that man!

SirChenjin Tue 28-Apr-20 09:20:15

I’m sure they’ll be grateful for your magnanimity.

Lucca Tue 28-Apr-20 09:26:40

Still don’t get where the “berating” came in.
Urmstongran did you take offence at my question ?

vegansrock Tue 28-Apr-20 09:46:24

Well he's not rallying everyone around - like the doctors and nurses on the front line with insufficient ppe, and the morons flocking out and about.He actually didn't say anything new in his speech. I'm pleased he's well and he's better than the wooden Raab and smirking Patel et al. So I guess thats something to be grateful for. But those on here who think he's akin to the new messiah after Farage of course, its no surprise they think he's the second coming.

Dinahmo Tue 28-Apr-20 11:41:41

Are those with holiday homes in Spain to be restricted as to the number of days they can visit? In France it's 90 days. Tough on those people, especially the retired, who are used to spending nearly 6 months in their second homes.

Harris27 Tue 28-Apr-20 11:45:16

I’m glad he’s back he lifted me this morning and hopefully he’ll sort this all out! Ivoted labour but if he gets us out of this well....

paddyanne Tue 28-Apr-20 11:59:08

He's not back for longHarris27 he's taking paternity leave!

Calendargirl Tue 28-Apr-20 12:03:54

As he’s entitled to Paddyanne.

vegansrock Tue 28-Apr-20 12:06:25

I wonder if he's taken paternity leave before....

Urmstongran Tue 28-Apr-20 12:08:10

Just popped back. I’ve been listening to an audio book after I’d observed the one minute silence in the U.K. That was a nice thing to organise. It lets the families of those who are bereaved know that as a nation we are indebted and care about their loss.

No offence taken at all (but thanks for your kindness lemongrove about it). I didn’t mind at all answering the questions from Lucca and SCj.

Dinahmo as far as I’m aware we can still stay in Spain for a total of 183 per year. I haven’t heard anything to the contrary anyway.

Hetty58 Tue 28-Apr-20 12:10:12

I'm not glad he's back. In fact, I felt quite nauseous seeing the odd still picture of him on the TV 11 am silence. (Couldn't they trust him to keep still?) and wondered at the hypocrisy of it all - the lack of PPE, the needless deaths - and him on the screen.

Pantglas2 Tue 28-Apr-20 12:11:26

In Spain Dinahmo, it 90 days in 183 so you could do it in chunks or whatever suits really so still 6 months in any one year.

trisher Tue 28-Apr-20 12:14:15

Interesting about the paternity leave. The last PM to be a father whilst in office thought it wasn't on. Tony Blair-
I would be kidding you if I was to say: 'for x-period of time I'm not going to pick up the phone, I'm not going to talk to anyone, if there's a crisis in the country or the world that I'm not going to be interested.
That's ridiculous. You can't do that in my job. The important thing is to help Cherie and the baby. I will, obviously, try as much as possible to cut down in that period what I'm doing. But I have to run the country. That still has to go on.
Obviously Boris realises the country can manage without him. After all he's spent most of his time as PM on holiday or ill.

FarNorth Tue 28-Apr-20 12:26:32

So those who are thrilled to have Boris back because the UK needs him so much - are also thrilled for him to go off on paternity leave, leaving us to struggle on without his steady, guiding hand??

FarNorth Tue 28-Apr-20 12:30:58

Maybe the still photo, broadcast earlier, will become the norm.
We'll be routinely presented with still photos and cardboard cutouts of Boris giving a cheery wave to keep our spirits up. smile

Oopsminty Tue 28-Apr-20 12:31:03

So those who are thrilled to have Boris back because the UK needs him so much - are also thrilled for him to go off on paternity leave

I know he said that in early March. Has he reiterated recently?

Redhead56 Tue 28-Apr-20 12:50:06

They and other governments botched the job bringing back nationals into the country. Allowing planes in and out of the country and then suddenly realising this behaviour is causing a pandemic. How very bright these decision makers are they are the first to tell us to use common sense.

growstuff Tue 28-Apr-20 12:52:46

FarNorth It's rumoured the Russians did that when Brezhnev was very ill and even after he died (not that I'm claiming that Johnson is dead), but there are precedents.

SirChenjin Tue 28-Apr-20 12:55:00

I suspect that will be exactly what we’ll get FarNorth - with Dom crouched down behind the podium frantically moving Boris’ cardboard arm to replicate the jabby finger and the clenched fist so beloved of his supporters.

Come next month they’ll be photos of baby number mumble mumble for them to coo over - because optimism and every cloud and bulldog spirit etc.

SirChenjin Tue 28-Apr-20 12:55:30


growstuff Tue 28-Apr-20 12:55:46

vegansrock It's a characteristic of weak leaders to appoint even weaker people to their close circle. Those with any talent have been disempowered.

growstuff Tue 28-Apr-20 12:58:14

Johnson probably learnt all about "bread and circuses" (ie babies and rescue dogs) during his studies. I expect he also know about the classic Greek hero, who is defeated by his own hubris.

paddyanne Tue 28-Apr-20 14:07:00

Being "entitled" to something doesn't mean you have to take it,Coronavirus and Brexit ongoing and he thinks paternity leave is a priority ....Why DID he take a job he's not prepared to do ?

Greta8 Tue 28-Apr-20 14:54:56

He certainly didn't sign up for the responsibility of steering the country through this unprecedented crisis. His past modus operandi is to do the minimum and rely on others to do the hard work. The man's a chancer of dubious integrity, just our total bad luck that we have him and his inexperienced Tory lackeys at the helm. Far from welcoming him back I totally despair that our future's being determined by this man. I await PMQ's with interest - he might have to do his homework before facing the incisive and formidable Sir Keir Starmer.

Craicon Tue 28-Apr-20 15:17:31

So 20,000+ deaths later and he’s still your hero?

You really are gullible (Trump) people.

Grany Tue 28-Apr-20 15:41:35

James O Brian