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Boris is up in Scotland today ???????

(136 Posts)
Urmstongran Thu 23-Jul-20 10:29:57

“Speaking ahead of the visit, Mr Johnson said: 'When I stood on the steps of Downing Street one year ago, I pledged to be a Prime Minister for every corner of the United Kingdom.

'Whether you are from East Kilbride or Dumfries, Motherwell or Paisley, I promised to level up across Britain and close the opportunity gap.

'The last six months have shown exactly why the historic and heartfelt bond that ties the four nations of our country together is so important and the sheer might of our union has been proven once again.'”

Will his visit be a success or is the SNP too close now to going it alone?

mcem Thu 23-Jul-20 12:44:12

But don't let's forget how many posters (GN and Twitter) express not only respect for NS and an understanding of our need/desire for independence but also say they'd like to live here. There are too, significant numbers who would welcome NS in RUK!
However no takers for keeping BJ up here-even with the tempting thought of feeding him to Nessie!

grandtanteJE65 Thu 23-Jul-20 12:48:26

Long before SNP cornered the votes, Scotland tended to vote Labour, so I doubt the Conservative Party will ever be very popular in Scotland.

Whatever their political views, most Scots are unlikely to feel that anyone who lies as much as the present Prime Minister is worth listening to.

grandtanteJE65 Thu 23-Jul-20 12:50:30

Poor Nessie!

Actually, she promised St. Columba that she wouldn't eat any more humans after she tried to dine on one of his monks, so I doubt she will be willing to accept Boris for supper.

Jabberwok Thu 23-Jul-20 13:04:16


trisher Thu 23-Jul-20 13:16:11

grandtanteJE65 that's assuming she recognises Boris as human.

lemongrove Thu 23-Jul-20 13:27:58


That's just the point though. The EU isn't an organisation of equal partners. It likes to portray itself as this benign group of like minded nations but in reality the financial contributors hold all the cards and make all the decisions, well two do in total reality!! Ask the Dutch, they can tell you all about being over ridden in more ways than one!. Sure the recipients have a say, but are frequently brushed aside by the big players, obviously with veiled threats to their finances which they heavily rely on the wealthier nations for and are in debt over! The powerful countries make sure of that! Scotland will be recipient and will have to obey the big boys, Independence is managing your own affairs without interference from others, not going from one dependency to another!

Well said Jabberwok but SNP supporters don’t seem to mind being ‘in hock’ to France and’s only being united with England that bothers them.
Of course if they really wanted true independence then they would go it alone.
Boris is Braveheart ?going to Scotland, so kudos for that.
To Scottish grans.....( whispers) there is no Nessie! ?

Esspee Thu 23-Jul-20 13:42:13

@lemongrove. No need to whisper, we live here and know there is a Nessie.
As for Boris being Braveheart, don’t make us laugh. Kudos for going to Scotland? Why?

MaizieD Thu 23-Jul-20 13:58:16

As Borisovich is planning to remove devolved powers I suspect that the Scottish will see the EU as being the very much lesser of two evils. At least they'll have their own government and a say in what is going on.

paddyanne Thu 23-Jul-20 14:01:47

Of course Granny23 once Scottish Tories understand they can vot Tory in an Independent Scotland..though it would be tories who work FOR Scotland and not agianst it like the present ones..they may see for themselves that the Independence route is the only one that makes sense.

Just read a wee piece about irelands Whiskey industry ,currently they are rated as selling 4% of all world whisky.The revenue raised is in excess of 2 . 6 BILLION yet WM who has control of export figures for Scotch tells us it only brings in 4 Billion ..thats despite Scotch whisky having 80% OF WORLD SALES?? Anyone who doesn't see something far wrong there needs to give their wee head a wobble...we're being fleeced

paddyanne Thu 23-Jul-20 14:04:20

Thing is Lemongrove we're not IN HOCK to anyone ,England is fully dependent on Scottish funding ,,without it they'll go bust ..several tories have even publicly been brave enough to admit to that FACT

maddyone Thu 23-Jul-20 14:20:38

Is there some evidence that Parliament is planning to take back powers from Scotland? Maybe I’m ignorant, but I truly don’t know and would appreciate a little knowledge if anyone has any.

I didn’t really like Nicola Sturgeon before the pandemic, but I absolutely agree that she has stepped up to the mark and done well during this time.

MaizieD Thu 23-Jul-20 14:39:54

It's a bit 'thin end of the wedge' at the moment, maddy but here's an article about it:

As Parliament (i.e the huge tory majority) has voted to not have any scrutiny of trade agreements Scotland could well find itself forced to accept lowered standards. They couldn't even vote against it at Westminster because of the tory action.

I think it's just another crack in the composition of the UK

Granny23 Thu 23-Jul-20 14:40:35

Scotland will be recipient and will have to obey the big boys, Are you sure of that? With more oil, more renewable power and more fishing grounds than any other country in Europe, Scotland will be welcomed into the EU with open arms. MEPs do not always vote along nationality lines but rather as groups - left wing right wing, Christian Democrat, ect. SNP (and Plaid) MEPs were members of one of the larger groupings in the EU - the Greens and European Free Alliance - who have said that they are keeping the seats warm for Scotland when it returns to the EU as an Independent Nation.

Can I point out that the same old jokes, fake Scottish accents and references to Nessie, Deepfried Mars Bars and Braveheart, do nothing to endear you to GNs in Scotland. They only show ignorance of the real history, culture and ethos of modern progressive Scotland.

paddyanne Thu 23-Jul-20 14:47:57

wish there was alike button for that Granny23well said .

mcem Thu 23-Jul-20 15:03:44

That goes for me too granny23.
See lemongrove s post and my reply earlier on this thread!

Jane10 Thu 23-Jul-20 15:07:21

The usual predictable nonsense from dyed in the wool SNP fans.
It's irritating that non Scottish people somehow think Nicola has handled coronavirus well. If she hadn't covered up the outbreak at the Nike conference in February yes February then lockdown could have started much sooner. 2000 old people discharged untested to care homes where the virus went on and ravaged the inmates. The death toll is high.
There is so much that SNP have done wrong that it's hard to know where to start. From education standards absolutely plummeting to money wasted on huge white elephants then more money wasted on consultants to see where eg the ferries building went wrong and so on. SNP grasp of economics is tragically poor as will the country be if they were ever foolish enough to vote for independence.
I'm not a Boris or Tory fan but even they are better than SNP.

Lucca Thu 23-Jul-20 15:08:00

Yes granny23 well,said.

vegansrock Thu 23-Jul-20 15:14:46

He’s trying to cosy up because most U.K. fishing is Scottish.

biba70 Thu 23-Jul-20 15:15:36

Urmstongran, his words did sound good. We all know now that the reality is that he is a feckless inveterate liar. I think the Scots know it even more than most. Was absolutely for the Union - but no more. I hope Scotland makes a go of it and gets massive investment and infrastructure moving in from all over the EU and the world.

If they do, I shall sell up and move there.

vegansrock Thu 23-Jul-20 15:16:55

We’ve holidayed up in Shetland And Orkney, I remember a lot of local, Scottish, Norwegian and EU flags but no Union Jacks!

Jabberwok Thu 23-Jul-20 15:36:06

England fully dependent on Scottish money,without it we'll go broke!!!!! That statement is SO absurd as to not be worth answering! Never heard of the Barnett formula? If we're so dependant on Scottish money how come NS is desperately holding out her begging bowl for more money to guess who, Westminster!!!!!?
Scotlands resources are finite, yes oil, but for how long? yes fishing, again till EU trawlers decimate your waters, leaving your own fishing fleet and you destitute, renewable power, well yes, but others will catch up and you won't be needed anymore. The EU probably will welcome you at first but when they've bled you dry and have no more use for you they'll spit you out for sure! Not only that but you'll also be stuck with the Euro and moving forward with a European tax system and more besides, ask the Dutch, they'll be more than glad to tell you about the joys of being a small insignificant country inside the EU! Happy days!

mcem Thu 23-Jul-20 16:11:22

Jabberwok such tosh!
Holyrood is simply saying that by freeing up the ability to organise our own borrowing BJ would not have to put on the act that fools so many of his gullible supporters. No begging bowl involved.
We should not need his permission to assume such powers. He continues with his power-grab by not returning power from the EU directly back to the devolved parliaments.
Rant away m'dear it will get you nowhere. Much as you and others would like to write off the move to independence as the madness of rampant nationalists you'd find, on closer inspection, that vast swathes of moderate middle-class professionals are now seeing it as the only way forward.
And while you're carrying out your research, have a closer look at the Barnett formula which is not some pseudo charity but is a way of paying back a proportion of Scotland's contribution to WM/UK coffers.

paddyanne Thu 23-Jul-20 16:17:44

The usual "predictable nonsense" from unionists who have never bothered to find out FACTS and just accept everything WM tells them .What IS it you find so wonerful about being a colony-....oops part of the union?

vegansrock Thu 23-Jul-20 16:21:43

Well we've been in the EU a long time and “they” haven’t “decimated” Scottish waters which sell loads of fish to - guess where their biggest market is - the EU. So much Project Fear!

Jabberwok Thu 23-Jul-20 16:32:12

Tbh it's a thousand pity's that independence didn't with the day back in 2014! Scotland would be gone by now and the rest of us could have a bit of peace from almost continuous whining. At the time I was pleased Scotland stayed,but now,another referendum asap and God willing that country can revert to pre 1707, or better still 1603. Bring it on!