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Champagne Socialist

(115 Posts)
GrannyGravy13 Sat 14-May-22 15:04:43

Before I head off into our garden for BBQ with DD & GC I have a serious question for the political experts here.

As I have turned away from Mr. Johnson and the current Conservative Government am I now a Champagne Socialist ?

DaisyAnne Sat 14-May-22 17:53:16


Well, I'm all for a mixed economy.

I do love a glass of champagne.

(Prosecco is definitely second best...)

I have always wondered why we wandered away from the general agreement on a mixed economy (I can be very naive). I would say that both the view of capitalism and the state bit, need bringing up to date. Social programmes and risk management will always need the input from the state.

I haven't been able to drink wine for quite a few years but once I got on an even keel, I realised that if I was gentle, my gut was less irritable and intolerant (like most of us, I imagine). So, I am now having 1/3 wine 2/3 tonic spritzers. I see the day I can drink champagne looming and I do love it, so fingers crossed, I may be able to celebrate a new Democratic government.

Callistemon21 Sat 14-May-22 17:55:46

I have a very weak G&T with half a lime squeezed into it.
Very refreshing

Callistemon21 Sat 14-May-22 17:59:10

A Tea Party?

DaisyAnne Sat 14-May-22 18:01:52


A Tea Party?

Noooo. Look it up. This is just what I do. I think the devil has all the good names as well as the good tunes.

Callistemon21 Sat 14-May-22 18:47:50

Oh dear! Perhaps not!

I was just thinking of something non-alcoholic!

Wheniwasyourage Sat 14-May-22 18:56:27

I'll happily drink champagne when something more like a socialist government arrives! Why has everything have to be so adversarial these days? A government of national unity might have been a good idea during covid and might have stopped the constant bickering, not to mention the corruption and general stupidity. {Puts on tin hat and hides behind sofa]

JaneJudge Sat 14-May-22 18:58:24

I vote for cava

Farzanah Sat 14-May-22 19:03:03

I’m a proper socialist, I’m a ? drinker, with a bag of crisps.

Grammaretto Sat 14-May-22 19:08:55

I have a bottle of fizz in the fridge waiting. What for I'm not sure.
DS brought Bollinger for his DGM for her 97th birthday. She loved it.
I am left of centre, enjoy s drink and have never knowingly voted Tory. Could qualify?grin

Urmstongran Sat 14-May-22 19:15:53

Possibly. But at least you are aware of your privilege. x
Nice people are.

Callistemon21 Sat 14-May-22 19:28:10


Possibly. But at least you are aware of your privilege. x
Nice people are.

It's all so depressing I could drink a whole bottle

Callistemon21 Sat 14-May-22 19:28:30

Oh, the photo didn't appear!

Germanshepherdsmum Sat 14-May-22 19:44:10

I’m not a fan of champagne or anything fizzy. Lanson isn’t too bad. Don Perignon even better.

Germanshepherdsmum Sat 14-May-22 19:44:28


Whitewavemark2 Sat 14-May-22 19:53:53

My favourite champagne type is Camelford Valley.

I could quaff that very happily, and I’m loyal to my birthplace.

GrannyGravy13 Sat 14-May-22 20:43:14

Just in from the garden, thank you for your replies.

Politics and Government are so rubbish and divisive at the moment I just wanted a thread to unite us ??

I know that there are many disillusioned GN posters at the moment

Callistemon21 Sat 14-May-22 20:44:20


My favourite champagne type is Camelford Valley.

I could quaff that very happily, and I’m loyal to my birthplace.

I haven't tried that one

GrannyGravy13 Sat 14-May-22 20:54:47

I am partial to Laurent Perrier rose, but for special occasions it has always been Dom Perignon. If out to lunch with girlfriends it can be Prosecco or Cava, some are better than others.

We are trying English sparkling, will look into your recommendation Whitewavemark2

Callistemon21 Sat 14-May-22 20:59:37

Meanwhile - I got my new specs on Thursday.
So why did I mistake an Australian red for a Villa Maria white, put it in the freezer to chill down to drink this evening?
DH thinks I should go back to the optician's.

kittylester Sat 14-May-22 21:02:57

I qm disillusioned byt the Tiries but couldn't vote Labour. I long for centre party.

Can I ve a chilled rosé socialist please.

Callistemon21 Sat 14-May-22 21:13:53

Have you had a bottle of sparkling rosé already ???

Cheers ?

GrannyGravy13 Sat 14-May-22 21:14:32


I qm disillusioned byt the Tiries but couldn't vote Labour. I long for centre party.

Can I ve a chilled rosé socialist please.

Agree kitty if not I shall be encouraging our local independent councillor to stand.

Baggs Sat 14-May-22 21:23:39

Because of lockdown and the latent authoritarianism that has unveiled in so many quarters, I have been surprised to find how much of a libertarian I am at heart. It has been a shock. If I start a party it will be the "Politicians get the hell out of my life Party".

GrannyGravy13 Sat 14-May-22 21:24:58

I could vote for you Baggs

GrannyGravy13 Sat 14-May-22 21:27:45

I think I am a Libertarian at heart, but I do believe that the safety net of UC should not have more holes than Captain Ahabs net.