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Very upset as had to have cat put down this morning

(81 Posts)
Jacksgrandma123 Fri 30-Aug-19 14:43:08

My ten year old cat started having breathing problems less than two days ago. Second vet visit today for X-ray and investigation and had call to say had to be put down. Was with her for injection. Feeling so sad as much loved family pet and as it's all happened so quickly , and been so awful, it's quite a lot to accept at the moment.

narrowboatnan Sat 31-Aug-19 11:20:53

So sorry to read that, JacksGrandma It was very sudden so it must have been a huge shock. Our pets leave such a big hole in our hearts and our lives when they leave us, don't they?

quizqueen Sat 31-Aug-19 11:47:23

Thinking of you, Jacksgrandma123, my lovely cat is currently having investigations and she's only 4. I've had to say goodbye to 3 cats and a dog before; it doesn't get any easier.

whywhywhy Sat 31-Aug-19 12:06:00

I'm so sorry to hear that sad news. Sending you love and hugs. xxx

tiggers Sat 31-Aug-19 12:11:17

Please try to take some comfort in the fact that you were able to be with her and she would have known that she was in your loving arms when she passed. So difficult for you though, with the speed of the diagnosis and outcome.

Our pets are part of the family and it is understandable that we feel our loss so acutely.

Venus Sat 31-Aug-19 12:53:10

So very sorry. I have experienced much the same with my much loved Burmese cat. I was totally devastated but we have to do what is the kindest thing. I shall never forget my pet and nor will you. When we love, we feel the loss deeply. She will always be with you in spirit. x

Craftycat Sat 31-Aug-19 12:56:26

The last loving thing you can do for your pet is to give them a quick & merciful ending. I know just how you are feeling .
Our Vet told me last time we had to go through this was that if you are NOT heartbroken you should not have animals & I think he is quite right.
You did the right thing & I send you lots of love.

Chezabella Sat 31-Aug-19 13:19:31

I’m so sorry, Jacksgrandma, what a painful and sad time you must be having. Your little cat must have had a lovely life being with you. Sending hugs x?

colette13 Sat 31-Aug-19 13:27:51

So sorry to hear this - my old boy (puss) is now 15 and I worry about him as he gets older.Take comfort in the memories you have of your little girl cat - and the good and long life she had with you and your family - so many unwanted/unloved cats out there - I have fed several stray/street cats over the years.With your loss being so sudden - you're probably in shock and will need time to grieve.I lost my other boy cat to a road accident last year - he was 8 - and because it was unexpected - it was a horrible time.As an animal-lover too - my heart goes out to you.

Jan66 Sat 31-Aug-19 13:37:34

So sorry for your loss x

Rosina Sat 31-Aug-19 13:54:14

You have my sympathies - we have always had a household with pets, and when they die it is agonising. Many do not understand how a loving creature weaves itself in and out of the fabric of your life, is a constant companion, and a huge hole appears in life when they go. What a lucky cat though to be so well loved, and also to be spared a lingering death - it is always such a shock when it happens quickly but I hope you will gradually come to see that it was the kindest way for life to end for your dear pet.

willa45 Sat 31-Aug-19 14:26:28


The grief of losing a beloved pet is heart breaking. I know...I have lost six amazing kitties over the years. Even as I write, our only "Granddog", a cherished (12 year old) Labrador is doing so poorly that it's just a matter of months perhaps even weeks. He's our daughter's dog, but it's as if he belongs to us too since we spend so much time with him. The very thought of losing him fills us with great sadness.

I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved kitty and my heart goes out to you. I hope you can be comforted that you gave her so much love and a good life, and that you were there for her until the very end. Hugs, Willa

sharon103 Sat 31-Aug-19 14:56:39

I really feel for you all. We've been there three times and now only have our Thomas and Freesia at home. They're brother and sister 11 years old and had them since they were 10 weeks.
I dread the day if we have to have them put to sleep.
Our pets are our family and are all different characters aren't they.
Where there is deep grief, there was great love.
Hugs andflowers

pamdixon Sat 31-Aug-19 16:15:44

heartbreaking to read so many of you have had to have your pets put down in the past few days. Condolences to you all.

hulahoop Sat 31-Aug-19 16:19:49

Sorry to hear your news jacks grandma ?

grandtanteJE65 Sat 31-Aug-19 17:28:46

So sorry for you. I

Nana29 Sat 31-Aug-19 18:16:30

I feel for you ?. Losing a member of the family.

BStP Sat 31-Aug-19 18:21:47

So sorry to hear your sad news.

Nannapat1 Sat 31-Aug-19 18:55:53

So very sorry about your puss. It really is the hardest thing to do, but you can take comfort that you made the right decision to prevent her suffering and that you gave her many years of happy life and companionship.

GrammaH Sat 31-Aug-19 19:11:12

Oh Jacksgrandma I feel so sorry for you & can totally empathize. My dear 15 year old cat Thistle came in through the cat flap in great distress back in March. It was after 5.30 but I rang the vet who said she'd wait for me to bring him in - poor DH was very ill in bed so I was alone. A scan showed a very enlarged cancerous liver & the symptoms pointed to its spread to his brain and there was no realistic hope so I had nothing to think about really - it was time for him to go. It was totally traumatic & all the worse for being so quick with no time to prepare
Just an hour from him arriving through the cat flap to his demise. It's such a sad time without him as we've never been catless in 38 years of marriage but he was a wonderful companion and his life with us brought great joy, not least to our 6 year old grandson. I think we'll get a couple of kittens in due course as a house isn't a home without a cat!

Phoebes Sat 31-Aug-19 19:35:53

I’m so sorry that you have had to say goodbye to your dear little cat. It is so awful isn’t it and we feel almost as bereft as if we had lost a relative. We have been serial cat owners and remember each one with love. When it is time for their suffering to end we have to bite the bullet and do what is best for them. It’s better to let them go before they get too ill than to keep them hanging on when there is no hope of recovery.

Mealybug Sat 31-Aug-19 20:10:37

Sorry for your loss Jacks, I understand how you are feeling, our pets are such a big part of family life. I lost my little Border Terrier three weeks ago aged 12 after a very short illness. It comes as such a shock and we never want them to leave.

Nanny41 Sat 31-Aug-19 20:19:11

So sorry for your loss, its a terrible thing loosing a loved animal.I really feel for you, having gone through it.Sending hugs

Growing0ldDisgracefully Sat 31-Aug-19 20:52:30

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Their passing leaves a hole in your life and heart you can almost actually see and touch, if that makes sense? We have in our household ĺost dearly loved dogs, one far too young, and the other at a much greater age and I don't know which was the hardest. Ive found some comfort when I've lost dear ones, whether animal or human, in feeling that as long as they are still in your heart and memories, that they not truly gone, as those memories and love live on with you. Hugs to you sweetheart.

etheltbags1 Sat 31-Aug-19 21:00:23

Im so sorry, jacksgranma. I had my furbaby put to sleep in may i was devastated. I have my lovely boy left. He is my constant companion. I feel for you. Please do think about rehoming a stray in the future though.thankscupcake

TwinLolly Sat 31-Aug-19 21:29:16


I'm sorry for your loss. I had to put my elderly cat, Duchess, to sleep when she became very ill. I held her paw and stroked her as she fell asleep. To this day I still think of her.

It's the memories of that you will treasure always. Big hugs to