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Should a Man put his women first ?

(58 Posts)
Beau1958 Sun 21-Feb-21 11:39:35

My partner of 21 years (not husband he’s never wanted to get married) never seems to put me first. Everything is on his terms if I challenge him he says
‘my attitude stinks’ He has a very successful business I retired at 50 and I get an allowance. He’s loving and says he loves me but he has no consideration for me. For instance if we go on holiday I can’t stomach early flights it makes me feel ill but he insists we fly early regardless of how I feel. Also my daughter has moved 100 miles away with my small GS she’s a single parent he won’t allow me to visit any less than a month apart. My daughter and I are very close and she does struggle with two under 5’s. Besides I really miss them I was seeing them nearly every day so it’s hard for me. Am I being selfish or unfair ? Sometimes I just feel like walking out but I have no money of my own and nowhere to live so I feel trapped.

Beau1958 Sun 21-Feb-21 17:56:35

Yes Dinahmo I’m in his will just 10%.
Redhead56 no I drive myself, he’s the same age as me. My daughter moved as she couldn’t afford a larger property near me so it was purely financial.
Thankyou I will contact Women’s Aid I have never heard of them I was thinking of seeing a solicitor to see what my rights are.

chelseababy Sun 21-Feb-21 18:10:21

Is the house jointly owned? Other than that I wouldn't think you are entitled to anything as you are not married.

BlueBelle Sun 21-Feb-21 18:25:03

You ve got a big old footprint on your forehead
He’s controlling abusive and sounds quite ‘lovingly’ nasty
Whose idea was it to retire at 50 , I got the best job ever at 53 and worked at it for 16 years
Can you stay with your daughter to get away
Emotional abuse is very real as is financial abuse and keeping you from your family is an old trick to keep you reliant on him
Women’s Aid will give you feee advice and support

Nonogran Sun 21-Feb-21 20:19:58

An American friend of mine many years ago said "There are more prostitutes with wedding rings on than there are prostitutes".
You may not actually be married but think about it .....

welbeck Sun 21-Feb-21 20:42:02

you sound quite isolated. the phrases you use.
unfortunately i doubt you are entitled to anything financially.
that why he didn't want to get married. you have been naive.
anyway, that;s the past. onwards and upwards.
fill up the car with petrol he's paid for, grab your essential docs and go stay with your daughter.
you can claim UC and help look after GC.
you could also apply for social housing, tell them you are fleeing domestic abuse. ring 101 police and women's aid.
things will get better, as you put distance between you and your erstwhile keeper.
good luck.

Ro60 Sun 21-Feb-21 22:57:02

Some great advice here. I was in a coercive controlling relationship & didn't even realise! - partly due a controlling mother before. There were always 'consequences' if I dared to think for.myself.
The final straw was when he took a loan out in joint names without telling me - against my house - which he'd weedled his way into the mortgage.
I stayed in the house and was surprised how easily I pay the bills.
Look up 'Gas-lighting' & see if you see the signs.
Of course he's loving that's part of the control.
Best wishes & Good luck

Esspee Sun 21-Feb-21 23:11:51

To those who think the OP is entitled to money if she leaves him - you are wrong. If you are married you have rights, if you are not married you have no rights.
I wish everybody in a "partner" relationship was made to read up on the subject.
OP Time to decide. Do you want him to marry you to give you security or would you be happier without him? He is unlikely to change. I know what I would choose.