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Dear gransnet

(173 Posts)
soontobe Fri 29-May-15 10:32:31

I would like some advice please.

On some threads, I am asked question after question after question etc[plus a couple of not so nice comments] about what I have posted.

At what point should I refuse to answer any more posts, even if they are incorrect about me or someone has got the wrong end of the stick about something I have posted.

I know I dont have to answer, but I dont like misconceptions about what I have posted. Plus no matter how many posts I answer, there are still more questions. I am actually quite happy to answer them. But is that ok with gransnet ok?
[Any bad feeling on a thread about me,I can more than deal with and I dont have a problem with]

I think this happens to other posters as well, but maybe they dont have quite as many questions asked of them as I do.

Soutra Fri 29-May-15 21:59:39

What Anya? Do remind me.

Anya Fri 29-May-15 22:24:21

Senior moment eh Soutra ...? Don't temp me grin moon

kittylester Sat 30-May-15 08:47:11

PLEASE, would someone tell me what this is about!

Elegran Sat 30-May-15 08:54:40

Just soontobe worrying about protocol - should she or not should she not reply to every post that mentions her, and is she at fault if her answers (or her questions about meanings etc) take the conversation off course. I think she now knows.

Nelliemoser Sat 30-May-15 08:55:10

Kitty I don't think anyone on here actually has any idea what it's about. Join the club! grin grin

soontobe Sat 30-May-15 09:03:07

I have discovered all I needed to know.

grumppa Sat 30-May-15 09:22:02

Rabelais tells you all you need to know soon:

Fay ce que voudras. Do as you wish.

[Why did predictive text keep substituting Cougars for voudras?]

annodomini Sat 30-May-15 09:32:36

Maybe your spellcheck thinks that's what we are - grannies who fancy younger men.

AshTree Sat 30-May-15 10:07:45

I've been reading this thread - and the one it sprang from - with complete disbelief. I am left with the only conclusion that soontobe is so completely indoctrinated in the ways of her church, that she is simply unable to conduct herself in any other environment without guidance from the 'elders.

Just think for yourself soon, for goodness sake! And leave a thread if you don't like it. No one will care.

AshTree Sat 30-May-15 10:08:26

Sorry that should have been 'elders'. Left off the final inverted comma.

Elegran Sat 30-May-15 10:48:26

Quod erat demonstrandum.

rosesarered Sat 30-May-15 11:09:47

That's what I always say!

grumppa Sat 30-May-15 11:16:38

In spellcheck veritas, anno?

rosesarered Sat 30-May-15 11:20:32

Though I just say QED.

rosesarered Sat 30-May-15 11:21:36

This thread is getting more and more surreal ( but that's a good thing.)

loopylou Sat 30-May-15 13:11:02

As it isn't only me who's thinking that rosesarered, I'm reassured that my marbles haven't gone AWOL after all!

Katek Sat 30-May-15 13:51:46

Que sera sera. Can't sing like Doris though. It was Doris, wasn't it?

ninathenana Sat 30-May-15 13:57:52

My only comment is............

I'm surprised this thread is still active !

Ana Sat 30-May-15 14:04:42

It's only a day old, nina - it could run and run! grin

Jomarie Sat 30-May-15 14:18:34

Thanks again Gransnetters for cheering me up - seems I can count on you lot to make me smile when feeling down. Glad I found you smile

janeainsworth Sat 30-May-15 14:23:40

Oh don't spoil things by making a nice comment jomarie!
Everyone else is busy working themselves up to the full 3-day argument!

Nelliemoser Sat 30-May-15 14:29:13

It is always reassuring to me when a once controversial thread starts to become sureal. It shows that most of us do still have a sense of humour. wink

etheltbags1 Sat 30-May-15 14:37:13

I have to be careful as to what I say or I will be accused of 'winding' people up, so I try to be tactful (really).wink

Elegran Sat 30-May-15 14:38:11

Oh no we're not, jane

janeainsworth Sat 30-May-15 15:00:24

Have a great day, everyone sunshine