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Vaguely disgruntled

(134 Posts)
Eglantine19 Wed 30-Aug-17 16:59:09

Over the weekend I was invited to a tea party by an acquaintance, a friend of a friend. It was a lovely day, we were on the lawn, three tables of six, chatting about all sorts of things.
Then after a while some little leaflets were deposited on the table, inviting us to join a Bible study group. One of the ladies on each table talked to their table about what their faith meant to them, five minutes maximum.
On leaving I was asked again very nicely if I would like to come to the Bible Study. I said no and thank you for a lovely time and off I went.
It was all very gently done. So why am I feeling a bit - used, I think is the word. I need one of you to soothe me over!

trisher Fri 01-Sep-17 10:50:39

Eglantine19 Bible bashers and Joe Wicks- that's really being between the devil and the deep blue sea! You really have my sympathy. (I've looked at his books, my DIL has done it. I just gasped and reached for a biscuit)

lemongrove Fri 01-Sep-17 12:42:05

Well said posts Imperfect27 ?
There are some very strongly worded posts against Christianity on here, when the OP intended no such thing.

adaunas Fri 01-Sep-17 13:45:23

Lucky girl I wouldn't have minded any of those, though JW tend to be more up front. I was invited to what turned out to be a Mormon meeting (offered as a group meeting in developing family evenings). I'm still not a Mormon but the meeting was very interesting and had some useful ideas.
I understand being disgruntled at the thought that I may just have been invited because each person had to bring x new people but I'd try and put this out of my mind, especially when opportunities to make new friends gets harder as time goes on.

mumofmadboys Fri 01-Sep-17 14:49:26

Oriel if you re-read my post you will see I said 'other religions or none'

Oriel Fri 01-Sep-17 14:55:44

A question or two...

Is discussion allowed on GN?

Do all posts in a thread have to be directly related to the original post?

... or is it that we should only discuss egg slicers?

Oriel Fri 01-Sep-17 15:00:44


You said that loving lives can be lived by folk of other religions or none.

I pointed out that you had missed the giving bit out. I did say that I expect this was not a purposeful omission but I wanted to point out that many people of no faith give of themselves to many causes and do so selflessly. Nor do they expect to be rewarded for it when the die.

Nannarose Fri 01-Sep-17 15:38:56

As a few have said, if an invitation seems to be ' out of the blue ' then say merrily ' what a lovely idea! Is it in aid of anything or just because you feel like it?'
That way, they have to ' come clean ' or at least know they have been underhand. If they are just sociable people wanting a party they shouldn't be offended. If you want to accept, you've already laid the ground, if you want to refuse, they'll know why.

mumofmadboys Fri 01-Sep-17 16:33:07

I understand now Oriel. Didn't mean to miss out the giving bit! Oversight! I agree that many atheists serve others selflessly. I do not think Christians motivation is to be rewarded when they die by the way.