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(111 Posts)
MissAdventure Wed 18-Nov-20 12:49:23

Do you believe that "what goes around, comes around"?

Is it just the consequences of our actions that catch up with us, naturally, or is there a more organised system of ensuring people reap what they sow?

Or, is it a load of twaddle?

Galaxy Wed 18-Nov-20 16:21:51

In what way did Saville pay the price for example.

Onthenaughtystep1 Wed 18-Nov-20 16:28:29

I too would really like karma to be inevitable.
Unfortunately some really awful people seem to live a charmed life while some lovely people have so many troubles to bear.

Blossoming Wed 18-Nov-20 16:35:05

What a horrible article! Thank you for the link Petra, I’m using it to illustrate the ways in which people with impairments are regarded as ‘bad’ and to blame for their condition.

rosecarmel Wed 18-Nov-20 16:42:24

Karmic effects are infinite- What one does, or doesn't do, doesn't necessarily effect them directly or immediately- They can be immediate, but generally eventual-

Climate change, for example, isn't impacting those that caused it that are dead- But whatever we currently do to reverse it will benefit our children, our children's children and so forth- And we currently benefit by our efforts-

This is why the practice of do no harm exists- Everything is interconnected- It doesn't matter if you believe in past lives or reincarnation- Karmic activity is carried from one generation to the next-

Looking through the lenses of good and bad only muddies the view, opposed to clearly seeing what's actually occurring and addressing it -- although it's much easier for me to put into words than it is to do/practice-

This is basically how I was taught to understand it-

crazyH Wed 18-Nov-20 16:45:58

It maybe twaddle, coincidence, or karma......
My husband left me for someone else. The day he came to the house to remove his stuff, at a pre-arranged time, I decided, for obvious reasons, to walk down the road to a friend's house. As I walked past the house of one of my neighbours, who just happened to be a clairvoyant, she called out to me and said " I know you're sad, but don't worry, karma's just round the corner" or words to that effect. The very next week my Ex had a heart attack, followed by a triple by-pass op. That certainly didn't make me happy, because I have 3 children with him. And for their sake, I wanted him to be ok. As it happened, the operation was a success, and he is doing very well.
Make of it what you will, but I'm just saying ........

MissAdventure Wed 18-Nov-20 16:47:14

That makes sense rosecarmel, thanks.
My friend used to talk about "the one" as being connected and in harmony with the universe (something like that, anyway!)

She said it doesn't matter what we call it, as long as we are connected to it, and aware of our part in it.

Namsnanny Wed 18-Nov-20 20:49:27

The things we do as individuals or society are always connected.
It's not mystical. Anymore than the sun coming up is.

As for things like climate change being 'the sins of the Fathers'.

Everything that has brought todays problems were heralded by people hoping for social and economical benefits for society (electricity was supposed to be free, nuclear power too etc.). They were invented and promoted by people hoping for the best.
That they turned out bringing problems of their own, which have fallen to us to sort out isnt Karma, it's what happens in a chaos filled unpredictable world.

What about cancer or all the other diseases? Are people who get ill being paid back for previous mis deeds?
Thats a medieval way of thinking in my view.

What would the results be of this thinking?

Do we leave a person with a broken leg on the road side because he did something in a previous life?
A life we cant even prove existed let alone prove he actually did something to warrant his leg being broken.

Maybe I'm over thinking it, but pay back for things ^I^ choose to see as wrong is an alluring idea.

But really it's just me wanting to make sense of my own personal pain.

rosecarmel Wed 18-Nov-20 21:14:51

Karma is the result of what's occurred before- And no more-

Looking at it as good/bad/mysterious makes it appear confusing or like either payback or reward-

LauraNorder Wed 18-Nov-20 21:32:17

Karma= consequences in my opinion

MissAdventure Wed 18-Nov-20 22:05:38

The literal consequences, such as poor lifestyle choices leading to ill health for an individual?
Or a collective thing such as global warming?
Or both?

Namsnanny Wed 18-Nov-20 22:28:47

rosecarmel ... depends what religion you choose to follow.

rosecarmel Wed 18-Nov-20 23:00:13

I agree, Namsnanny- And as a result was taught the most basic view -- so not to confuse- (me .. personally ..)

"When an old farmer’s stallion wins a prize at a country show, his neighbour calls round to congratulate him, but the old farmer says, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

The next day some thieves come and steal his valuable animal. His neighbour comes to commiserate with him, but the old man replies, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

A few days later the spirited stallion escapes from the thieves and joins a herd of wild mares, leading them back to the farm. The neighbour calls to share the farmer’s joy, but the farmer says, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

The following day, while trying to break in one of the mares, the farmer’s son is thrown and fractures his leg. The neighbour calls to share the farmer’s sorrow, but the old man’s attitude remains the same as before.

The following week the army passes by, forcibly conscripting soldiers for the war, but they do not take the farmer’s son because he cannot walk. The neighbour thinks to himself, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

Namsnanny Wed 18-Nov-20 23:06:28

I enjoyed reading that rosecarmel smile

MissAdventure Wed 18-Nov-20 23:07:16

I really enjoy your stories, that probably isn't the right word for them, rosecarmel.

FannyCornforth Thu 19-Nov-20 03:26:56


It's really interesting waffling.
Now then, could being born in such dire circumstances be karmic retribution for bad deeds in a former life?

This is really dangerous thinking.
Are disabled people being punished for past deeds?
People who die young?
People who are abused?

Do you remember Glenn Hoddle and his spiritual mentor Eileen something or other? He got into a lot of bother for believing this nonsense.

So no. I don't believe in karma.

FannyCornforth Thu 19-Nov-20 03:43:55

Eileen Drury was the woman whose ideas Hoddle subscribed to, and tried to apply to the England football teamconfused

Fecklar Thu 19-Nov-20 05:58:35

I think COVID has been a Karma in a way for a lot of people I knew. Note knew being past tense. Sadly it’s also been a bad thing happening to good people in many cases too.

CocoPops Thu 19-Nov-20 06:39:18

I believe in Karma and follow Buddhism. Here is a short explanation of Karma

Shortlegs Thu 19-Nov-20 09:43:00

I suspect the karma, similar to superstition, religion etc, is twaddle.

Alegrias2 Thu 19-Nov-20 09:46:51

Having watched Cocopop's linked video, I discovered that Karma isn't what I thought it was.

The idea of the universe exacting revenge or rewarding the virtuous is undoubtedly twaddle, but our actions governing our happiness is probably spot on. Forgive me if I've simplified this too much Cocopops!

Moggycuddler Thu 19-Nov-20 09:50:07

Don't believe in karma because it would imply a god or controlling/overseeing force, which I can't accept.

DevilsDumplings Thu 19-Nov-20 09:53:35


I’d love the concept of Karma to be real but alas personal experience says it doesn’t. Unfortunately life is unjustifiably unfair at times.

Frankie51 Thu 19-Nov-20 09:55:53

Unfortunately scum rises to the top, and is applauded and admired , many horrible people seem to live a charmed life. Not sure I believe in Karma. Would love it to be real.

FannyCornforth Thu 19-Nov-20 09:56:41

DevilsDumplings - your username has made me smile!
Miriam Margoles and Tim McInerney in those ridiculous costumes! grin

RosesAreRed21 Thu 19-Nov-20 09:57:27

No I dont believe in it at all. People that do bad things just seem to flow through life and get away with it.