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I've been banned from my stepson's wedding.....

(111 Posts)
phoenixbfh Mon 28-Jan-19 15:02:57

Hi All
I'm just soundboarding really.
My husband and I have been happily married for 12 years. We brought 2 families together and they haven't blended well at all. We had 4 teenagers between us when we got married and now they're all grown up. The youngest being 25.
My kids adore my husband and we can hacve great family times together. we even have great times with my ex-husband's family too who still see me as part of their family. My 1st marriage ended as, after 20 years of marriage and 2 children, my husband decided that he was gay. A complete shock to us all. It's been a painful journey but we are now great friends and if he were to die tomorrow I would genuinely grieve. We are so amicable that we can do family weddings and times away together to celebrate milestone birthdays etc.
My husband's family on the other hand have nevr made it easy. Mu husband was long divorced when I met him and it was his ex wife who committed adultery to get out of the marriage. She has been diagnosed as autustic in recent years so that will explain, in part, her rude and poisonous nature. Anyway, it's snecver been easy. My husband's mother was very matriarchal and he has 2 unmarried sisters in their 60s. It's all a slightly odd dynamic. We also now have grandchildren too. One from my son and 2 from my eldest stepson.
Anyway GET TO THE POINT. I have been told today that my stepson and his partner never wish to see me again and I am uninvited to the wedding. (we received a formal invitation in the post last week and we were only addressed by our furst names on the envelope and no surname. i know that it is now acceptable to drop titles ie Mr & Mrs but a surname? When I saw them on Saturday I pointed it out and apparentkly that was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back.
I'm sad about the wedding and definitely won't stop my husband from goimng but I'm actually feeling a sense of relief that I dion't need to go now. Is that odd or should I be mortified. Obviously, I'm not happy about not being liked but I am honestly relieved. It's been such a fragile relationship and I couldn't be myself with any of them.
Should I be feeling more bereft than I do?

Houndi Tue 29-Jan-19 19:23:32

I have been sent a invite to a wedding with beautiful invite that were hand made.The envelope just had our christen names on.I will definitely be going to the wedding in fact i cant wait

Curlywhirly Tue 29-Jan-19 20:10:31

gringrinHoudini!!!! I know, I didn't get at all why putting Christian names only on an invite was a problem. I have absolutely no idea why anyone would object, and certainly no idea why you would then complain.

Curlywhirly Tue 29-Jan-19 22:04:51

Sorry, that should have said Houndisad

Lumarei Tue 29-Jan-19 22:41:13

Eggshells are horrid and should be avoided at all cost. Hence it is normal that you feel relieved not having to go to the wedding.

SS has been waiting for a reason to uninvite you, Phoenix and your critisism about the names on invite was hijacked to that end. You (and your DH) can apologise as much as you want it will never be good enough.

I find many comments here offensive and hurtful to the OP especially the attack on and consequent blame of your DH without knowing the details. If his son has been causing constant trouble in the family with provoking arguments then DH is within his rights to chose his wife over him.

Children can be very cruel to their parents, use them and when they are of no use stop all contact and disappear into the world. Believe me I know quite a few like that. Why should a person have to chose blood over the person who is loving and kind to them especially at a time when said son is particularly obnoxious by uninviting his wife over a laughable matter.

What a horrible thing to say that a man has to be on his children side when they treat his wife badly? Surely you support whoever is treated unfairly.

Why is everybody so upset about the OP mentioning the invitation. It is such a trifle matter something she should be able to comment on. It may cause a slight humph but an argument? There is no way you will ever please your SS - whatever you say will cause offence - until maybe in a few years time when he has step children who will make his life difficult and he grows up.

You have your own family, invite them round on the day and enjoy an eggshell free day.

annep1 Tue 29-Jan-19 23:37:32

Silly me. It was posted. So Notanan you're right. He couldn't put "Dad". He should have put the surname then. Most definitely. My children would never call me by my first name. It was perfectly fine to comment on it. Not a reason to fall out.

llizzie2 Wed 30-Jan-19 03:38:33

If it were me I would not want to go. Turn the other cheek and send them a lovely present.

These things happen to all of us one way or another.

chezza1 Wed 30-Jan-19 14:12:05

Me neither if it's going through the post. If it's hand delivered I would expect mum,dad,aunt Mabel etc on the envelope not first names from family.

Goodbyetoallthat Wed 30-Jan-19 17:59:13

Why comment on it when it has already been done? it would be different if your opinion had been asked for. I would either accept with good grace or politely decline the invitation if it bothered me that much.

Onestepbeyond Wed 30-Jan-19 20:39:33

Relief is a wonderful empowering feeling where one can truly live again - flowers

Anniebach Wed 30-Jan-19 22:51:58

Have been picking up courage to say this, it is possible they didn’t use your surname because it was once his mothers.

If I had remarried I would never, ever tell my daughters I put their step father before them, the son must have been so hurt.

You didn’t like your husband’s mother and I think your view of his first wife as - diagnosed as austic which explains in part her rude and poisonous nature , very unkind. You also said ‘you wouldn’t stop you husband going to the wedding, you must have thought of doing so to say that.