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(83 Posts)
cathybee Sun 23-Feb-14 19:04:43

When my DH is stressed he just goes to bed, no matter what time of the day it is, this is what he does, and always has does, when something is going on that he does not want to face, mainly in times of disagreements. Does anyone else's husband do this?

Penstemmon Fri 28-Feb-14 20:26:26

If a man punched his wife (you/your sister/your daughter) 'only once' in the ear would it be OK?

janerowena Fri 28-Feb-14 20:29:08

Indeed - and my Ex was an abuser. There was a lot of history before that bowl of hot oil and for many years after it. I never hit him, and never threw anything at him ever again - I was far too scared to. DBH would never dream of hitting anyone, I can't imagine going back to those days and living in fear the way I used to, it feels as if I am looking at the life of someone else.

Ex was one of those men who changed as soon as they got married. He told me that he thought of me as a possession, and I should always ask his permission before I did anything. He was also an alcoholic. Husbands (and wives) do indeed come in many guises. Yet despite all the dreadful things he did to me, I still feel guilty about that oil, but wish he had had at least a splash of it. I have quite a few scars, he has none.

Ana Fri 28-Feb-14 20:32:02

janerowena flowers

janerowena Fri 28-Feb-14 20:39:13

I have only just stopped hating him, after 20 years, I don't need the flowers, I am fine, but thank you anyway! If he would only emigrate I would be very happy. grin

And what does make me exceedingly happy is that after years of managing to hide his alcoholism, he now has a big bulbous red drinker's nose. Ha.

Kiora Fri 28-Feb-14 21:14:05

No Penstemon it wouldn't be ok. Perhaps I haven't read every post so may have missed the one about the punch.

rosesarered Thu 06-Mar-14 10:54:07

Women are communicators and men are not, that's why women prefer a row and men retreat off to bed/shed/ pub etc.However, it would be worse if men shouted and screamed back at you wouldn't it? A lot more threatening.So, probably a good thing if they do retreat, and women shouted less. What annoys men [who think differently] is that women rarely argue about one single thing, a row brings up things from yonks ago; who hasn't yelled 'and another thing.....!!!' while the man gaped in amazement.

jinglbellsfrocks Thu 06-Mar-14 10:57:54

Oh God, I would hate it if mine tried to argue back! He doesn't usually bother. He knows I'm always right. smile