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My son might be emigrating!

(131 Posts)
SeventhHeaven Sun 08-Jan-17 13:18:31

Hi grans! I just wanted to know how others would feel in this situation. I have one son who is happily married. He has quite a good job, but he doesn't enjoy it, and it can be stressful. He is thinking of emigrating to America, as he and his wife have holidayed there several times and they love the whole American lifestyle. Most definitely, I am not a clinging mother. I never interfere in their lives, and I won't stand in their way if this is what they want. Secretly, however the thought of my only lad emigrating upsets me. Last night I
had a secret cry.No one knows, not even my husband. I'm feeling a bit like a mother being made to part with her new baby. My son hasn't even applied for any jobs yet!! Part of me is also secretly hurt that he would leave his mum and dad at this time in our lives. My son will never know my feelings - I'm not one to do emotional blackmail. But I just need some advice on how to get my head round this. And it might not even happen - it's only a consideration at the moment.

Jalima Thu 19-Jan-17 14:16:13

Oh dear Welshwife it is so long since I read it!! blush

sorry Mair if I led you up the garden path - can you cancel it?

It was a lovely book anyway

Welshwife Thu 19-Jan-17 14:36:56

Yes - it is a really lovely book - based on a true story about her grandmother. When she first wrote the book I saw Jojo Moyes interviewed about it.

Jalima Thu 19-Jan-17 15:27:08

Australia to me is absolute horror distance!
Two of my friends went overland (well, part by sea, obviously) many years ago in a camper van.
They were quite hippyish.

Mair Thu 19-Jan-17 17:20:42

Dont worry about the book. I think my mum will enjoy it anyway, and Ive ordered a second hand copy so inexpensive.

Re your friends, very exciting trip but not one I imagine many GPs will be emulating! Probably would work out costing a fortune too now.

rosesarered Thu 19-Jan-17 17:44:45

I would find the distance too much as well ( Australia) as I don't like flying and about four hours is my max! It's expense as well, of course.
On the point of one child emigrating ( as we have 3 DC) then yes, it would be a great comfort that there were still 2 close by.
None of this has happened ( so far) to us, but you can never say that it won't, and I have loads of sympathy for those of you that find it hard.Who wouldn't?