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Girl Guide leader expelled from post.

(191 Posts)
FarNorth Sun 04-Aug-19 15:01:02

A Girl Guide leader was expelled from her post for objecting to Guide policy that boys who identify as girls are accepted as being female in all circumstances, including shared sleeping and washing arrangements on Guide camps.

Do you think Guides are correct to have this policy?

Alexa Mon 05-Aug-19 19:14:01

FarNorth, my suggestion was a little simplistic I admit.

Is there an identifiable time during a sex change when a man loses all sexual interest in women? If so, then her penis is not going to harm any girl who has no penis.

Those men who pretend to identify as women are criminals aren't they?

FarNorth Mon 05-Aug-19 19:57:16

Seriously, Alexa?
'sex change' of a physical kind doesn't come into it at all in the majority of cases.
A 'transgirl' guide is quite likely to be a fully intact male, not taking any hormones.
Likewise a 'transwoman' guide leader.

Gonegirl Mon 05-Aug-19 20:04:28

I think a trans girl would be well on the way to a physical sex change.

notanan2 Mon 05-Aug-19 20:15:54

I think a trans girl would be well on the way to a physical sex change.

Well then you dont understand selfID or the girlguides trans policy!

notanan2 Mon 05-Aug-19 20:16:58

Not that there IS any surgery that changes your biological sex.

A male with breast implants is still male

notanan2 Mon 05-Aug-19 20:21:04

Is there an identifiable time during a sex change when a man loses all sexual interest in women?
There is no operation that changes sexual orientation

If so, then her penis is not going to harm any girl who has no penis.
Penetration by a penis isnt the only risk to girls in mixed groups. GGs themselves have in the past championed the benefits of girls being able to develop away from the dynamics of a mixed group

Gonegirl Mon 05-Aug-19 20:58:15

It would still be a single sex group. Some girls/boys are born with inconclusive genitalulia. Doctors sometimes make the wrong decisions.

notanan2 Mon 05-Aug-19 21:06:08

Intersex is nothing whatseever to do with self ID.

Doctors in the past missdiagnosed it. It is better understood now.

An XXY person for example is not "a bit of both". They are male with a duplicate X.

notanan2 Mon 05-Aug-19 21:06:58

It would still be a single sex group

How is a group with males and females in it a single sex group?

Alexa Tue 06-Aug-19 14:48:27

"There is no operation that changes sexual orientation"

But there is ! Eunuchs lose all sexual orientation . I think.

"Penetration by a penis isnt the only risk to girls in mixed groups. GGs themselves have in the past championed the benefits of girls being able to develop away from the dynamics of a mixed group"

But these are different considerations. I'd think the danger of men dressing up as girl guides so as to lust after them or rape them in ablutions and changing rooms, is worse than the questionable disadvantage of educating the sexes together.

notanan2 Tue 06-Aug-19 15:05:36

But there is ! Eunuchs lose all sexual orientation . I think.

Thats not what sexual orientation means. It is not the presence of sex organs or sex drive.

notanan2 Tue 06-Aug-19 15:07:00

the questionable disadvantage of educating the sexes together.

Doesnt matter whether or not you agree with single sex activities and education, point is that girl guides are advertising themselves as single sex. And that is a lie.

FarNorth Tue 06-Aug-19 15:23:36

I don't understand your last paragraph, Alexa.
Can you explain what you mean, please.

trisher Tue 06-Aug-19 15:51:26

Can we just remember that this is children we are talking about not adults. They are boys and girls NOT men and girls. I can't think there are many boys who could or would join a group of girls unless they really felt it was the only place they would feel comfortable. A large group of girls can be quite scary.

notanan2 Tue 06-Aug-19 15:55:20

Trisher their policy applies to leaders as well as members.

And the GRA allows trans people to ERASE their previous aliases. They can get their birth certificate re written. And "dead naming" them is considered "transphobia"

So how do you manage safeguarding if GGs will not allow their leaders to even MENTION that a trans leader may have had another alias that also needs to be CRBed??

Lessismore Tue 06-Aug-19 15:56:00

What a load of old nonsense. They decent and kind hearted people give of their time to help young people.

In many areas it is all that is available for children apart from school.

Lessismore Tue 06-Aug-19 15:57:06

PS, I identify as a goldfish.

FarNorth Tue 06-Aug-19 16:46:28

Lessismore do you mean the decent and kind people like the leader who has been expelled for wanting to protect safeguarding?
Or decent and kind people like transwomen who believe their right to privacy is more important than clear safety checks and safeguarding procedures?

Gonegirl Tue 06-Aug-19 16:49:15

Of course there are still babies born showing no definite signs of b being of a particular sex. And of course doctors still go by guesswork. And sometimes misjudge. Yes, it's what you call "intersex" since your kind always must have labels. Probably because you hope it makes you seem superior to the rest of us.

Gonegirl Tue 06-Aug-19 16:50:58

That leader should never have been airing her views on social media. If she had concerns she should have taken it up with her local Commissioner.

Minniemoo Tue 06-Aug-19 16:55:49

Oh so she was babbling on social media? No time for her then. That in itself is cause for dismissal. Silly woman.

FarNorth Tue 06-Aug-19 17:00:23

trisher here are the age ranges, within GirlGuiding :

Rainbows (5-7), Brownies (7-10), Guides (10-14), Rangers (14-18)

So Guides and Rangers are definitely in the age range for sexual behaviour, possibly consensual but not what parents expect to be happening.

In addition, young girls and transgirls (boys) are being led to believe that 'sex change' is possible.
It isn't and any trans child will have to undergo drug treatment with unknown effects, as well as surgery, if they hope to maintain the illusion of being the opposite sex.

FarNorth Tue 06-Aug-19 17:04:25

Do you have proof that there was 'babbling on social media' which related to Guiding, Gonegirl?

Even if that is true, it doesn't mean that GirlGuiding is correct to be operating this policy without doing risk assessment or informing parents.

Lessismore Tue 06-Aug-19 17:34:58

Far North, I mean decent and kind volunteers should be very highly valued.

Lessismore Tue 06-Aug-19 17:36:38

What kind of a world are we in? My sons absolutely adored cubs and scouts, the leaders were brilliant. I used to think, I would do the decent thing and volunteer myself but I wouldn't. Hard, hard work.