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How could a Mother do this

(56 Posts)
newist Tue 14-Jan-14 16:09:24

I have thought about posting this many times, today seems to be the day.
As a child I lived in fear, I was a little mouse, frightened of every thing and every one. If my parents didn't get me, God would, my dads family were Irish Catholics. I was such a good child, desperate to feel loved, after all if I was naughty I would be put in a home or go to hell. I had an older brother who was the apple of my mothers eye. "Children should be seen and not heard, your elders are your betters" was drummed into me. Our house was filthy, I can never remember her changing the sheets, just another sprinkling of DDT. She would sniff at me saying, your knickers smell, I only had 1 pair. if I was ill she would tell me off because she wanted to go out.
At 11, I passed the 11 plus but I could not go to the high school because i was a girl, so money had to go to help my brother in his training.
At 15 I met someone and was encouraged in this relationship to stay "pure" and very quickly after a couple of years to get married, so that no accidents could happen, I would of been put out if I got pregnant Life continued, not happily with an alcoholic husband. The joy of my life, was and is my 3 daughters. My mother was changing, borrowing the few clothes I had, it dawned on me she was having a long term affair, when I asked her, she called me every thing under the sun for thinking that about her.
The Years rolled by, she dolled out much pain, she left my dad when he had cancer and married "Her man" I was told to go away when I visited them so I never went back.
meanwhile, this is where it gets interesting...Mother and step father built a new life for themselves, Telling all neither of them had been married before, Mother was a virgin when he met her. Totally wiping out the fact that she had ever been married to my lovely dad, neither my brother or I had even been born, I forgot to mention my brother left home, I have not seen him in 40 years because of her.
One of my daughters being quite greedy and always in debt, went along with their fantasy because she had been left all in their will, she denied me and her siblings for monetary promises. My mother died then quite recently my so called step father died, my daughter, found out she was left nothing, so she wanted me to give her my parents marriage certificate, to wave it about and cause mischief, I did not give it to her so because of that I will never see my brand new GGD. I do not know yet what subject name to give this post, I shall ponder

ffinnochio Wed 15-Jan-14 16:26:19

In other words, I think it's better to err on the side of being guarded rather than letting it all hang out.

Songbird9 Thu 16-Jan-14 17:48:58

Luckily I had a wonderful childhood, but, unfortunately, a less than happy old age, due to my DIL bullying me, even though we live miles apart. She sent me a very distressing email accusing me of all sorts of terrible things, including the near breakup of her marriage to my Son. I don't know when I will see my Grandchildren again, which is tearing me apart and affecting my health. Friends I have shown this email to can't believe what has been thrown at me. On top of that I am trying to cope with my Daughters chemo. and, sadly I cannot be with her. I admire you for posting what you did and hope you feel better for it x I write letters to my OH who sadly passed in 2010, but it helps me
tc x

Brendawymms Thu 16-Jan-14 18:49:07

Same here Ana and KatyK one of my earliest memories is having plaster cut off both legs when I was three, my mother had broken them. I suffered physical, verbal and emotional abuse and was terrified of my mother. My main fault was being born female and was made to feel lower than the low. It is some comfort, in a strange way to find out that there are others who were in the same situation.
It is also true that you can't allow any abuser to affect you in later life because then they continue to win and we are worth much more than that.

Agus Thu 16-Jan-14 19:33:10

Brenda I still remember certain children I nursed whose injuries were caused at the hands of their Mother, the very person who was supposed to protect and love them. For you to be one of these children, my heart goes out to

Iam64 Fri 17-Jan-14 07:13:32

Brenda - thanks for helping others see that "the best revenge is living well" (book title, a book for survivors of abuse).
It takes real courage to move forward, and sometimes feet get stuck in treacle, but there is a better life if we walk towards it.