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Neanderthals are to blame

(36 Posts)
Whitewavemark2 Thu 01-Oct-20 08:12:22

Scientists researching covid and human DNA, have discovered that if you are carrying a particular strand of Neanderthal genetic material and 1 in 6 Europeans do, then you are three times more likely to get a severe case of covid.

It is thought that this particular gene plays a role in the immune system, and also linked to the mechanism which allows the virus to invade the human body.

It is thought that up to 100000 more people have died as a result of carrying this gene.

Funny old world ain’t it?

BlueSky Thu 01-Oct-20 19:59:18

Different studies have highlighted different possible factors, like blood group, medication, underlying conditions etc etc. I find it increases my anxiety so I take it all with a pinch of salt.

Whitewavemark2 Thu 01-Oct-20 20:05:45


Different studies have highlighted different possible factors, like blood group, medication, underlying conditions etc etc. I find it increases my anxiety so I take it all with a pinch of salt.

Go with the Neanderthals.

Nothing you can do about something that happened 10s of thousands of years ago, so might as well relax???

Callistemon Thu 01-Oct-20 20:53:56

I am very proud of my Great Granny X 10,000

Whitewavemark2 Thu 01-Oct-20 20:56:31


I am very proud of my Great Granny X 10,000


Esspee Thu 01-Oct-20 22:51:31

I have 2% Neanderthal DNA. - one of the random pieces of information uncovered when I had my DNA tested.
In western population that is pretty average. Asian populations have a higher percentage and African little if any.

MayBee70 Sat 03-Oct-20 19:45:52

And sub Saharan Africa isn’t suffering as badly from the virus as India and Pakistan....

MrsRochester Sat 03-Oct-20 19:49:34


And sub Saharan Africa isn’t suffering as badly from the virus as India and Pakistan...“

Have heard it put forward that it’s because populations are so young.

MayBee70 Sat 03-Oct-20 21:56:24

Dr John Campbell’s latest blog discusses it in great detail. I’m sure he said the age of the population doesn’t account for the low death rate (again I need to re listen to it).

Alexa Sat 03-Oct-20 22:09:43

you can overdose on fat soluble vitamins such as D so take recommended dose

Devorgilla Mon 05-Oct-20 11:35:21

You beat me to it Alexa. Too much vitamin D can affect kidneys quite badly, but it is a rare side effect. Research other possible effects on the net. I take Vitamin D because of my age but take a low dose and not every day.
As for the much maligned Neanderthals, they were more intelligent than given credit for and I read somewhere that having the 2% guards against several other diseases in northern areas. I think the Northern Africans who came across the bridge and mixed with the Neanderthals have the gene too. I read too that the Asian strain Neanderthal gene is more prone to Covid. You win some, you lose some.