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@NHS Do you trust Theresa May?

(141 Posts)
Crafting Wed 07-Jun-17 17:10:00

Sorry Rigby but we are all entitled to our opinions without being told to grow up (strange comment actually, I can't quite see what you are getting at. If I don't agree with you I am being childish is that what you mean?)

As I said I worked in the NHS too, both in secondary and primary care and things in my opinion were not better under Blair. He made no difference at all.

Reports are all well and good but if you work on the front line and the reports don't tie up with what you see at work then you tend not to take too much notice of them..

kittylester Wed 07-Jun-17 17:06:07

I have two friends whose husband's have had cancers diagnosed within 2 weeks. I needed to see my GP today and had no trouble getting in.

There is no need to be personal rigby - Jane and crafting have as much right as you to have an opinion. As do I!

Rigby46 Wed 07-Jun-17 16:54:35

Oh Jane given my professional links and background across both primary and secondary NHS care, I very dare tell you to grow up. The NHS in 97 had been a disgrace for years and it vastly improved under Blair. It is pathetic, untrue and childish to say that nothing changed.

whitewave Wed 07-Jun-17 16:50:33

And the report leaked by the NHS chiefs jane ?! how can you say nothing will change?

Jane10 Wed 07-Jun-17 16:49:24

Grow up? How dare you! Like many others I actually worked hard in the NHS. I'm not some sort of armchair critic or basing my comments on one unfortunate patients case.

Rigby46 Wed 07-Jun-17 16:40:12

So the improvement in waiting times under Blair are a figment of our imagination? My husband's cancer treatment with the 2 week target for seeing the consultant compared with what happened under the Tories was just something I dreamed ?Grow up

whitewave Wed 07-Jun-17 16:26:08

Well the figures don't show that nothing has changed to be true I'm afraid

Jane10 Wed 07-Jun-17 16:24:24

Me too crafting 34 years in the NHS. 34 years of talk and planning. Nothing changes except expectations.

Serkeen Wed 07-Jun-17 16:12:51

Thank you whitewavesmile Can not agree more Crafting

Crafting Wed 07-Jun-17 16:01:38

I have worked for the NHS for over 26 years with Labour and Conservative governments. There will be no difference. Despite all the talk from both sides, there never is.

yggdrasil Wed 07-Jun-17 15:44:09

Just look at the Naylor Report, easily found by googling.
Of course May can be trusted to privatise the NHS. They are half way there already

whitewave Wed 07-Jun-17 15:44:06

serkeen welcome if you are new smile

Not everyone is negative you will find if you decide to stay

Rigby46 Wed 07-Jun-17 15:44:01

One of the problems with the political threads at the moment is that some if them morph into an undiffertiated mass covering a whole range of policy areas. It's much better I think to have more targeted ones in particular policy areas

whitewave Wed 07-Jun-17 15:40:04

Of course it is..
What about the plan to be implemented immediately after the election of the most swinging cuts ever leading to the death of the NHS.

Vote Tory vote for private health

Ana Wed 07-Jun-17 15:39:57

How long have you been on GN, Serkeen? grin

(Sorry, but there have been many, many threads along those lines and most of the politica threads contain reference to the NHS and who can/cannot be trusted...)

Serkeen Wed 07-Jun-17 15:35:51

@NHS Quote on twitter

"A vote for this government is a vote against the NHS

Do you trust Theresa May? Or do you trust your doctors, nurses, teachers and police officers"?

What do you think, is this true?