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Do you ever feel this will never be over?

(339 Posts)
Greymar Fri 10-Apr-20 19:34:35

I am trying to be pleasant, enjoy the garden, chat to my husband and so on. Sometimes I feel I am hanging by a thread.
Just watching Rick Stein in France and I have the strngest sensation that this crisis will never end.

Starblaze Fri 10-Apr-20 21:03:30

I'm not feeling well today. I started the day with a cough and chest pain and felt physically exhausted. I put it down to stripping paint and hay-fever. Now I have the headache from hell and feel sick. Could he anything, could be simple stress and exhaustion. Yet I am afraid. I've never felt afraid from simple illness before.

Calendargirl Fri 10-Apr-20 21:06:35

Yes, it will end, it will be over.

Things will be very different though, none of us know quite how that will pan out.

“It’s a long lane that has no turning”.

Whitewavemark2 Fri 10-Apr-20 21:10:24

I feel all the time as if I’m dreaming. It is so surreal and nothing like I’ve ever experienced.

I wonder how our parents managed in the war. That lasted 5 years!

Calendargirl Fri 10-Apr-20 21:18:30


I suppose they knew who they were fighting in the war. This is an invisible enemy, but just as deadly.

SalsaQueen Fri 10-Apr-20 21:19:21

Well, it WILL be over, although we don't know when. I've now got used to a quieter pace of life, and I'm not bothered by it any more. What will be will be. No point in getting stressed by it.

3dognight Fri 10-Apr-20 21:19:43

It's like a black cloud over you, one that's going nowhere soon.

I too am judging social distancing on tv. It seems very decadent almost indecent when you think how we distance today.

SueDonim Fri 10-Apr-20 21:24:21

Laibeck a friend feels a bit like you - she wishes she could have the virus so she could know she’d had it and start living a normal life again. She couldn’t, of course, because she has young children and elderly parents to protect but stress plays games with our minds. flowers

SueDonim Fri 10-Apr-20 21:40:19

I forgot add ‘yes’ to frowning at the tv and even books. I’m reading a book about an older couple whose family move in with them. In my head I was going ‘No, no, you can’t do that until this emergency is over!’ The book is set in 2012. grin

harrigran Fri 10-Apr-20 21:42:49

The truth is that this will never go away, like flu it will mutate and return over and over. We can hope for a vaccine that will allow us to live with this virus.

EllanVannin Fri 10-Apr-20 21:43:18

It'll meet up with the other viruses at the end of summer in readiness for autumn/winter, so no, the end isn't nigh.

EllanVannin Fri 10-Apr-20 21:45:17

I can't see the kids going back to school until September either, just in time for the norovirus.

Callistemon Fri 10-Apr-20 21:46:11

We were watching Rick Stein too and I was thinking that that was an area of France we've not visited, perhaps one day. But perhaps not now sad

I can't say I've had a frenzy of cleaning or clearing out either, although I have done more gardening because all that wet weather (remember that?) has brought flourishing weeds.

I think this could go on for a long time, at least until a safe vaccine is available.

But, like a pebble,e in a pool, the ripples will reach far and wide, not just the sickness but the consequences.

Sorry, that doesn't sound cheering, does it.
Like every generation, we have to deal with what is thrown at us.

growstuff Fri 10-Apr-20 21:52:38

If I lived in Syria or Yemen, I would worry about the situation never ending. We know very well when this will end. It will end when there's a vaccination and that will be in 18 months or two years. What will happen in the intervening months depends on the government and how people comply with the spirit of rules/advice.

Chewbacca Fri 10-Apr-20 21:54:11

It's the consequences that worry me the most Callistemon; the businesses that will never recover and the ensuing job losses, the marriages and relationships that were perhaps fragile before this but will buckle under the strain. And the children's education that has been stalled at critical stages and will have a lasting impact on their futures. It's no wonder so many are struggling to sleep soundly.

EllanVannin Fri 10-Apr-20 21:55:30

Well if it's anything like the pneumonia vaccine it'll do more harm than good as apparently it killed 30 people and didn't work anyway.

Labaik Fri 10-Apr-20 21:58:38

It always cheers me up to watch Dr Campbells daily blog; I haven't seen todays yet. We realised we hadn't done the Times quiz for 3 days so just did that. I have a tiny bit of brandy in my coffee at night so I have that to look forward to. One part of our village has a broken sewer pipe so they have these pumps going all day and night [I won't mention the smell]. Thank goodness key workers are still fixing things like that; and I don't live on top of it. It was my grandsons second birthday today; we should have all been on holiday together sad. On the other hand I always feel stressed about all the things I should be doing so there's something relaxing about not being able to do a lot of things. And I've always had an eating problem; yo yo dieter. I have planned to not leave the house for a long time so I can't overeat so for probably the first time in my life I'm eating healthy, well balanced meals and there's no temptation to have another biscuit or another slice of cake because when it's gone it's gone, and I'm really enjoying my meals. Like whitewave I still can't quite believe this is happening; it's as if I'm on some kind of drug. I can actually close my eyes and be somewhere else so I pretend I'm walking on the beach or I'm in Cornwall walking along the Valency Valley. And I'm doing those breathing exercises in case I do catch it. Can't do much more, really.

EllanVannin Fri 10-Apr-20 22:02:03

I'm disgusted at the amount of deaths we've seen in this country. What the heck has happened ? It should never have happened that so many have perished. 9,000 and rising !
Half as many as in the USA and compare the size of that country to ours.

growstuff Fri 10-Apr-20 22:04:51

EllanVannin 30 is an awful lot less than a few million. In 18 months (or whenever there is a vaccine), there will still be up to about 25 million people who aren't immune and are still vulnerable. If I'm one of the ones who survives, I'll happily take that chance. 30/25,000,000 is quite good odds.

growstuff Fri 10-Apr-20 22:06:15

The USA has a worse increase in the death rate than the UK. We should be comparing ourselves with other large European countries with similar populations.

GagaJo Fri 10-Apr-20 22:06:24

I do feel it at times BUT I talk to my Chinese friend, and life is resuming there. Her family are in Wuhan and even there life is restarting.

We’ve let it get a lot worse here though and there’s virtually no testing. Until we do that, we’re f***ed.

EllanVannin Fri 10-Apr-20 22:09:09

Growstuff, there could well have been far more if the vaccine itself was duff anyway as every winter we sadly see thousands who succumb. The poor beggars who thought they'd be safe.

Callistemon Fri 10-Apr-20 22:11:58

EllanVannin if you look at the Worldometer site you will see the reported data (mind you, only what is reported by countries) but it also gives relative numbers which gives some perspective.

They did say originally that the peak would start to come at the Easter weekend.

Stay safe.

EllanVannin Fri 10-Apr-20 22:13:54

Why didn't the so-called experts mention testing weeks ago it would have stopped all this uncertainty that people are having to put up with ?
This is typical of Rome burning etc etc.

( thundering here just to add to it )

Callistemon Fri 10-Apr-20 22:13:57

Ellan most of the deaths in America have so far been concentrated in one area.

EllanVannin Fri 10-Apr-20 22:16:11

Callistemon, the figures never do add up. sad