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Bragging - what is it?

(54 Posts)
Newatthis Sun 12-Sep-21 14:29:02

What do you understand by the term 'bragging'? For example, if someone has just had a new kitchen fitted and they tell you about it, is this bragging? Or if someone's child/grandchild achieves something etc. etc. Is it associated with the listener being jealous or insecure? I knew someone who use to talk endlessly (and boringly) about her 'cruise experiences' but never once asked how anyone else enjoyed their holiday and then, when her neighbour went to Spain for a week's holiday and came back nicely tanned and said that the hotel was lovely (I asked the neighbour if she had a nice time), cruise lady said 'she's always bragging' which was totally untrue.

Yammy Mon 13-Sep-21 18:24:48


Actually I like the round robins at Christmas. None of them are boasting about anything- they just say things as they are - the good and the bad - often the humorous. They come from many old friends that I haven’t seen for ages so I find it so good to catch up on news.

You obviously have very good friends Monty pops. I usually get that kind of message via email. I like to hear what my friends and their children are up to. I write them myself. I think that is friendship.
The RoundRobins we often used to get, less so now, were very impersonal and the same sent to many people so they never really asked you anything or were interested in you. At the end, they say something like "Hope you are all well".
I was once so cross with one we received I wrote a counter one back turning everything negative,dd is onto her sixth husband and now has 12 children etc., luckily DH pointed out how silly I was being and I never sent it.

Newatthis Mon 13-Sep-21 20:44:27

tictacnana - please could you ask your in-laws on 'who the right people are' I would love to gain a doctorate by just knowing who they are - do you think that asking them to 'friend' me on Facebook would suffice - the right people that is! Unigran4 can I be on your Christmas card list - the last handwritten letter I received was from the Tooth Fairy - how lovely that you do this, sure beats the hell out of a round robin.

Jaibee007 Tue 14-Sep-21 22:38:44

I take bragging to mean going on about something you are your family possess or have achieved, in a boastful unpleasant way,to try to make others look less - a very nasty trait I'd say, and doesn't impress sensible folk anyway