Gransnet forums


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Enquiring about the same item at different shops

22 Tenko

Returning to the UK

73 Joseann

Daughter says I should always be the one to visit

74 Jan66

Totally exhausted from babysitting GC

131 Soozikinzi

Phone manners.

42 NotTooOld

Online Banking , Could a 'Mr Bates v The Post office situation happen

26 Callistemon21

Are table manners important anymore?

157 Aveline

To ask my son for a refund?

167 Mamasperspective

Car breakdown organisations - well what do you know?

53 fancythat


10 Shelflife

Full time employment is pretty much a necessity to stay alive”

51 Doodledog

baby led potty training

33 oodles

Thought I may as well come and play on Gnet seeing as thought I am 268th in the queue for British Gas

19 Callistemon21

Christmas stocking has to be from Santa

60 mclaysmith

are we failing to take the grandparental hint?

15 biglouis

Parents in Law- different perspectives

11 Cabbie21

Rejected gift AIBU to be offended

100 grannyactivist

Daughter starts horrendous arguments within minutes of speaking to me.

56 Berricj1

To be blindsided by DNA test?.

143 Dickens

Christmas ,Cancelled Plans ,Traditions & Bugs

21 M0nica

Christmas Newsletters

110 Maggiemaybe

Forced mingling at an event.

79 Tricia2

Really crude birthday etc cards showing beside Gransnet.

25 Gwyllt

Hospital distances

23 4allweknow

AIBU……just not responding to texts.

68 4allweknow

Shoes off

157 Doodledog

AIBU to think that a parent should be able to deal with a 10 year old threatening her with a hammer and garden shears?

88 Allsorts

I find it difficult to cope with people who talk too much

87 BrandyGran

Disco at a function spoiling the evening- AIBU?

65 Magnolia62

Returning to shift work after retirement

59 Freshair

Vaping around newborn

19 silverlining48

Irritating Mother In Law

26 Philippa111

About my neighbour ?

94 biglouis

Payment for a cancelled hair appointment?

80 Fleurpepper

Looking after DGS for 2 weeks

81 NotSpaghetti

Family who don’t bother

45 alchemilla

Dancing partners

75 ileea

Taking in neighbours parcels

92 biglouis

Is it me or them?

69 Sawitch

Knickers lost in Super Market!

93 SuperTinny

Equal treatment at different ages.

56 GrannySomerset

Hidden friendship between Mother and Mother in Law for 24 years

6 pascal30

About dogs wearing clothes?

78 Chakotay

goodwill vs exploitation ?

63 biglouis

daughter refusing to continue relationship with DGD

13 Bunn1e

Simple things WOMEN are unable to do!

33 henetha

Water, Mud, Poop...!

13 icanhandthemback

Simple things that men are unable to do!

190 Witzend

Am I wrong to think this is rude ?

91 Kalu

Shoplifting rising and rising, have you ever witnessed it?

98 Dickens